Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So much to say, yet so little time! Since June 2007 I have spent hours on hours and wrote check after check working to get a job with the School District of Philadelphia. I was reading websites, filling out paper work and applications and resumes, taking tests, studying about the schools, neighborhoods, distances, blah, blah, blah, and up until Tuesday none of it has done me an ounce of good. Instead of getting a job with the school district when we moved here I had to spend a year nannying. The next school year I quit to start teaching but still didn't get offered a safe job, so I had to teach preschool for $13.50 an hour.

It was a really complicated process, but to save time I'll just leave it at, I finally got a job with the school district!! The name of the school is H.R. Edmunds and I'm teaching kindergarten!! Technically I should be getting paid a substantial salary at my current preschool job but didn't think they'd ever get around to paying me with the way things have been working there so I gave them an ultimatum. They didn't want to lose me, but weren't willing to cough up the money either, so I gave them my two weeks notice. I'll be really sad to leave my perfect class, but the administration was unorganized and didn't seem to care about the teachers so it isn't going to be that hard to leave. I'm excited to get a lot more paid holidays now, and if I work over the summer to be getting two paychecks.

I went into the school yesterday and had a really good talk with the assistant principal. They're going to let me spend some time in the other K classes and give me some time to get my classroom all set up when I first start next Monday. It will be a week or two until I'm actually teaching, which is nice.

In other news, life here in Philly keeps rolling along. It's weird that we're celebrating holidays for the second time in this city and in this house. It makes it feel like we're actually residents here instead of just visitors.

We were supposed to go to the timeshare for Halloween weekend but then Emma Arnquist (a friend I grew up with) called and told me she wanted to come visit. She enters the MTC on November 19th so this was the only weekend we could work it in. She came on Thursday night and just left today. Friday I had to work so she just walked around center city all day by herself. She had great timing since that was the day of the Phillies championship parade. She enjoyed the streets of Philly with the other 2 million (literally) Phillies fans. It was a crazy day.

Saturday Emma and I had a girls day at Longwood gardens (it's like the arboretum times ten)




and then a little shopping at Plato's Closet. Today she got to enjoy my ward on a fast/testimony day (which is always a treat) and she even got up and bore her testimony. It was weird to have her here. When I'm hanging out with my friends in Dallas or Utah I feel like a kid (basically I feel my own age) and when I'm here in Philly with all the other couples I feel like a mature, responsible wife. This weekend my two worlds collided and I had to reconcile them together, which made for a unique realization.

On Halloween we had a parade at my school and then a Halloween party complete with a piƱata. I dressed up as Miss Swamp from the book Miss Nelson is Missing. I got a few pictures but not any great ones.

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My kids love that book and have me read it to them almost every day. I always threaten that if they misbehave I'm going to call Miss Swamp to come in so they are always good because they are so terrified of her. They were so scared of me when they came to school they would cling to their moms and wouldn't come near me until I took off my nose and teeth. Even kids in other classes were running up to their moms at the end of the day and the first thing they told them was "Miss Swamp came to school today!"


That night when I came home Danny and Emma and I went out to eat and then planned to come home and pass out candy while watching The Others. The dinner took so long though that by the time we got home it was too late for trick-or-treaters. Whoops. Now I'm stuck with a lot of cheap dollar store candy. Dang it! It was still a fun Halloween though.

There's much more I could write, but in the interest of time once again I will spare you. :) I love you all! Maretta and Danny

1 comment:

Susan and Grant said...

It was fun to here about your new job and leaving your old one. What time share were you going to for Halloween. I bet it was fun to have your friend come. For some reason the pictures won't come up. Maybe I am doing something wrong.