Sunday, April 6, 2008

Susan Cannon In The NYC, Ya'll

Moms been in town with Jane, Penelope, and Jackie. It has been so much fun and I've gotten to eat out sooo much! I'll let mom get into the details of what she did, but for now i'll just post some of my favorite moments...
Tavern On The Green

delicious pizza with some of my lady friends

One night Amber's LEADER graciously allowed her to leave the commune and join us for dinner at Celeste, her favorite restaurant.

As soon as Mom's friends left town I brought her to my house and was like, "GET TO WORK, MOM!"
Oh I'm kidding. Kind of. Mom offered to hem my pants. Isn't that so nice of her? I just love having Mom here and never ever want her to leave. Ever!!!


Susan and Grant said...

I am spending the night in Di's apartment. She did not tell me she had a roach problem before I moved in however. I will be moving on to South Carolina tomorrow for fun at Hilton Head. New York has been so fun with Di. I will post more about my trip when I get home. Love, Mom

AM said...

It's so true! It's so true! I'm so grateful Brother Jedediah let me out for an hour to see Mother Cannon at Celeste.
Oh please Susan don't leave us! And NOT just because you've given me more free food than my birth parents.

Hepworths said...

so fun. i wish i were there to play with sis cannon too!

Nancy said...

No! I want Mom all to myself!

AM said...

Nancy - you be quiet - you get Mom all the time. Don't you remember that Family Home Evening we had about sharing? 'Member - it was in the 80s?

Nancy said...

You are right I need to share. However, I think that FHE took place in the late 70's. By the time the 80's rolled around Mom and Dad had given up on Family Fight Night uhm I mean, Family Home Evening because we were so naughty.