Yesterday I got fake-punched in the stomach by a homeless man. I was walking down 8th Ave with my friends Mollye and Chris and wasn't really paying much attention to my surroundings (texting). Out of nowhere I see a giant fist coming at my stomach. I'm thinking...
Am I getting punched in the stomach?
NO! I'm getting FAKE-punched in the stomach. And by somebody I don't even know. And, what's that?...oh jeez, I think he is homeless. But, due to my cat-like reflexes, I still double over as if I'm really getting punched. I immediately start laughing out of serious disbelief, shawkwardness (shock & awkwardness at the same time), and cuz hey, that was really funny.
I hardly even saw the guy cuz we immediately went into a bodega and were like...Did that really just happen? But a few minutes later, as we were walking down the same street, I saw him sitting by the wall with some of his buddies. So I fake-kicked him in the face.